Because everyone is a little bit of a degenerate.
Dope ass art with a fat kickback to Web 3.0.
wwwwwwindows & fox masks, voxel bodies & 3D glasses, miss it and you’re ngmi.
Celebrate where you’ve been as we build what comes next.
Ape in.
What are D-Bitz?
DegeniBitz are a collection of programmatically, randomly generated ERC-721 NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain.
There are 10,420 randomly assembled D-Bitz, each with their own traits and attributes directly derived from 19,374,898,939,200 (we big-brained it) possible outcomes of every last glorious degenerate derivative we could think of.
Every minute detail has been doted on to reflect the space and culture we are all are waaay too passionate about.
We can't be degens without Web3. The power of memes compels us to donate 42.069% of ALL profits, primary & secondary, directly to the Gitcoin multi-sig via smart contract!
Donations, done the Degenerate way.
wen mint?
This is so stealth even we don’t know. Soon. Very soon. Or past and done already.
There’s only one way to find out.
What’s an NFT?
A non-fungible token (NFT) is a one-of-a-kind digital item.
Technically, D-Bitz are ERC-721 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.
Some projects have used NFTs to allow access to other perks such as games and merch. Ours are an Easter egg unto themselves.
What’s MetaMask?
Metamask (https://metamask.io/) is a popular crypto wallet that you interact with through a browser extension. It is needed to purchase and mint your D-Bitz. Having a wallet gives you an Ethereum address where your NFT will be stored.
How can I see my D-Bitz?
The easiest way is to connect your wall to OpenSea (https://opensea.io/). You can also view your D-Bitz here on our website.
How much per mint? How many max per transaction?
0.069 per, 10 max. Nice.
How can I ape in?
Get over to the mint page!
Where discord?
Discord here.
What can I do with my D-Bitz?
You have a non-exclusive license to do whatever you want with them.
What's the total supply? Are any reserved for the team?
10,420 total supply with 69 D-Bitz reserved for the team.
Where is the art stored?
All of the art is stored on IPFS. You can find a link to the art in the metadata of your D-Bitz - this hash will never change. The metadata is served up from our server to keep all the D-Bitz image links private until they have all been minted. Once this sale is complete, we’ll move the metadata to IPFS as well.
How do you ensure the sale is fair?
We create a provenance to guarantee the integrity of each and every DegeniBitz and the fairness of the sale. Each DegeniBitz image is hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm to generate a hash - you can test this hash yourself to ensure that the image you’re seeing matches the output and we encourage you to do so.
A second hash is obtained when the image is loaded to IPFS - this further verifies that the image has not been tampered with since its creation. We concatenate each SHA-256 image hash together to obtain a combined hash, which we hash again to create the Contract Provenance.
The Contract Provenance is made available at the start of the sale and is stored on the contract, whereas the individual image hashes will be made available after the sale has concluded.
Upon the start of the sale, the contract randomly assigns a starting index to determine which DegeniBitz tokens to hand out from the provenance order, preventing any advanced knowledge of the order of the DegeniBitz from being useful.
How do you ensure that Gitcoin has access to their donation?
When funds are withdrawn from the DegeniBitz contract (which can be done by anyone btw if you care to cover our gas fees) they are deposited into a payment splitter contract. This contract is presented with the right allocations to the team, including Gitcoin’s secure multisig wallet, which can have funds withdrawn at any time by anyone. This is blockchain. You shouldn’t have to trust us.
OS wen?